Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Descendancy Research

This post will teach how to do descendancy research.  It is hoped you are able to find the names you need to be Temple self-sufficient.  This is just one way to find names.

We encourage you to always check for duplicates before reserving names for the Temple.

Click here to get a PDF file with instructions

Click here to watch a video showing the process

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Harris 1st Ward, Mesa Central Stake

With the permission of President Hiatt, Bishop Crites and the others shown on this highlight, the highlight for this blog post is the Harris 1st Ward, Mesa Central Stake.

The Harris 1st Ward experienced an increase in their Family History Key Indicators from 8% in October, 2015 to 42% in January 2016.  This represents a 34% increase in submitter rate in a 2 month period.  

The way they accomplished this remarkable increase is instructive.  Bishop Crites  holds the keys of and directs Temple and Family History work in his ward and empowered the High Priest Group leader to come up with a plan to present to the Ward Council.  The Ward council supported wholeheartedly the plan and the high priest group leader coordinated the plan successfully.

Listen to Bishop Crites’ testimony below.   He attributes the success of the ward to the inspiration of his high priest group leader and family history consultants.

 Click =>   Bishop Crites

The ward High Priest Group Leader, brother Hathcock, took the challenge received from Elder Tilleman, our Area Seventy, and made it a matter of prayer.  He developed a family history plan that was approved by Bishop Crites.  Listen to his testimony.

Listen to the inspiring testimony of the Ward Family History Consultants, Sister Ash and  Sister Hathcock.

Brother Hathcock prepared the following sheet to explain the spiritual keys to their success.

We also invite you to review the training information below which focuses on the admonition we received from Elder Tilleman.  It might just help you in your stake and ward!

Friday, March 4, 2016

New Sunday Lesson and Resources are now Available!

New Lesson and Resource Cards

There is good news this month.  A new Sunday lesson and other resource lessons are now available at Click here for a link.  There are also three new brochures on how to find a name to take to the Temple. These three brochures were introduced at Roots Tech . All brochures can be viewed and ordered at The names on the brochures have changed since RootsTech, but the information is the same. There is also a PDF that can be downloaded.


During the month of February there were several changes that occurred in the Family Search Family Tree. If you are unfamiliar with the new Memories Gallery and what you can do, you will want to review the blog article by Steve Andersen.  Other changes have to do with feature changes in the Descendany View and the Person page.   You can read about those changes here.


Saturday, March 12th
Peoria AZ North Stake Building

9 am to 4:20 pm

22034 N. 83rd Ave
Sign up here


If you missed attending Roots Tech in Salt Lake City this year, you can still view some of the presentations that were made there.  Just visit this link.

In the following video Brother Haws will demonstrate how you can use the Blue and the Orange icons in Descendancy view to find names for the Temple where there is no Green temple icon showing.

The last part of the video shows Samantha, a youth in the Mesa North Stake, as she shares her testimony about the Temple.  YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT!!!