Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Temple Reservation List

 Why Your Temple Reservation List May Change

Perhaps you have seen changes to the names you have reserved for Temple Work.  Recently as I was preparing to do sealings I double checked the names in my list to make sure it agreed with the cards I had printed about four months ago.  I noticed that one of the cards no longer showed an endowment that my printed card showed as needing to be performed, but the sealing work still needed to be performed.  I always check for duplicates and wondered how this ordinance had been completed.
On occasion a duplicate record is found by someone else or added by familysearch from the new.familysearch program that is being phased out.  It appears that this is what happened to me. I'm glad that the system will automatically change the reservation list if  a double record is added to the system and the records are merged. Another reason for changes have to do with the Two Year Reservation policy which the following article addresses:

Family History Consultant and Priesthood Leader Class Starts April 5th

Family History Consultant and Priesthood Leader training is scheduled for the first four Tuesdays in April, starting April 5th.

Where:  464 E. 1st Ave.

Time:  7 to 8:30 pm. 

Questions:  480-964-1200

Walk-ins are welcome!

New Sunday Lesson Resource Brochures 

A new Sunday lesson is now available at >serve and teach>all callings>family history> Sunday Lesson: Family History Stories.  Three brochures that can be used in the lesson on how to find a name to take to the Temple and can be viewed and ordered at 

There is also a PDF that can be downloaded free for the brochure called “Find Your Family Names: a First- Time Guide”.

BYU Family History Library- A Good Source of Information

Are you ready to learn a little more about researching your ancestors?  Or perhaps you need a resource to help someone or teach a class.  The BYU Family History Library offers webinars. Go to:

Click the link below if you missed or wanted to review again the following helps:

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