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Edith Haws,

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Harris 1st Ward, Mesa Central Stake

With the permission of President Hiatt, Bishop Crites and the others shown on this highlight, the highlight for this blog post is the Harris 1st Ward, Mesa Central Stake.

The Harris 1st Ward experienced an increase in their Family History Key Indicators from 8% in October, 2015 to 42% in January 2016.  This represents a 34% increase in submitter rate in a 2 month period.  

The way they accomplished this remarkable increase is instructive.  Bishop Crites  holds the keys of and directs Temple and Family History work in his ward and empowered the High Priest Group leader to come up with a plan to present to the Ward Council.  The Ward council supported wholeheartedly the plan and the high priest group leader coordinated the plan successfully.

Listen to Bishop Crites’ testimony below.   He attributes the success of the ward to the inspiration of his high priest group leader and family history consultants.

 Click =>   Bishop Crites

The ward High Priest Group Leader, brother Hathcock, took the challenge received from Elder Tilleman, our Area Seventy, and made it a matter of prayer.  He developed a family history plan that was approved by Bishop Crites.  Listen to his testimony.

Listen to the inspiring testimony of the Ward Family History Consultants, Sister Ash and  Sister Hathcock.

Brother Hathcock prepared the following sheet to explain the spiritual keys to their success.

We also invite you to review the training information below which focuses on the admonition we received from Elder Tilleman.  It might just help you in your stake and ward!

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