Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Secret to Success

Accepting the Find-Take-Teach Challenge

How does a Stake organize their Family History work? Mesa Arizona Citrus Heights Stake took the Find-Take-Teach challenge and have seen outstanding results. They recently revealed their secrets to success. Listen to Gordon and Susan Porter, Stake Family History Center directors, and Karl Huish, High Councilor over Family History in the Stake reveal the secrets to the success!  Click: here

Some points to success: 
  1. The Stake Presidency supports the Center Directors 100%. 
  2. The Stake High Council Member over Family History actively supports the program.
  3. The Stake purchased 20 new laptops to further the work of redeeming the Dead.  
  4. Each building has a Family History Center, either a small room or a large one at the Stake Center, which can be accessed on Sunday, used during Sunday School time as well as at other times.
  5. Ward Consultants support the Stake Family History Center Directors by serving as asked and scheduled by the directors.
  6. Youth groups are scheduled on Wednesday nights.
  7. Upon entering the FHC each person is given a one page sheet showing the simplified method of descendancy research. They are then encouraged to find a name on their own.
  8. A consultant will assist the patron only if additional help is needed.

Step # 2 F-T-T---Finding Opportunities

Have you been searching for "green Temple" icons and found it difficult to find a name to take to the Temple?  If so, you are ready for Step # 2--- Opportunities.  Step # 2 describes how to identify a person who is in FS without a spouse or children and lived long enough to have the possibility that they were married and had children.  To look at this sheet click here.  (This blog has a sidebar which takes you to the link under the heading "Training"

                                                                                                                                                                                       Another help to cleanup records in FamilySearch or find ordinances that need to be performed is    Try out this site if you have little time but want to accomplish something that will help perfect the information in FS.  

Click the item you want to accomplish.  For example if you need an ordinance for Temple work, simply click the box that says Ordinances. (Hint:  the more generations you have it search, the longer it will take the program to load.)

You Are Invited to Join the FamilySearch Arizona User Group

Are you a FamilySearch user?  Perhaps a consultant or FHC Director? the FamilySearch Arizona User Group meets once a month to participate in webinars presented by people from FamilySearch.  They meet the last Thursday each month at the Mesa FamilySearch Training Center, west of the Mesa Temple.  If you would like to be added to the email list, contact:  Mike Ostler,

Mesa FamilySearch Library

The Mesa FamilySearch Training Center at 464 E. 1st Ave (West of the Mesa Temple) is open for patrons. Films and fiche can now be accessed and viewed, books are available, and photo scanners are waiting to be used.  For more information call 480-964-1200 or 480-962-9611

OPEN: • Monday - 9:00am to 5:00pm
             • Tuesday - 10:00am to 8:30pm
             • Wednesday - 10:00am to 6:00pm
             • Thursday- 10:00am to 6:00pm
             • Friday - 10:00am to 6:00pm
• New Consultant and Priesthood Leader training on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. 

Upcoming Training Events

Jan 14, 2017- Community Discovery Day at the Interstake Center, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by Mesa South Stake

Jan  21- Red Mountain Institute Genealogy Conference
Feb 8-11 - Roots Tech in Salt Lake City
Feb. 25 - Family Discovery day at Glendale Stake Center, 8602 N 31st Ave, Phoenix.

Roots Tech 2017 at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah is taking registrations. Scheduled to happen February 8-11, it will be the largest Family History Event of the year and is sponsored by FamilySearch.

Training for My Calling

Don't lose the vision of your calling.  Make sure you are up to date on your Family History calling. Go Here for the latest.  
The page for the High Priest Group Leader has been updated.  Click Here

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