Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Monday, October 10, 2016


Audacity is a free shareware program that allows you to edit audio files.  Why would you want to do that?

An example is you would like to upload an audio file of your grandpa talking or singing, but the audio file needs to be cleaned up.

  • To many pauses between words and sentences making the file way to long
  • Background noises you would like to remove
  • He started a one story at the beginning of the file that he didn't finish until the end of the audio
  • You would like to interject audio notes of explanation occasionally before you complete the audio
  • You want to add background music as your grandpa is telling the story
There are many other reasons you might want to edit a file.  Usually you can cut any file down in size by a minimum of 50% making it far more interesting and easy for people to listen to.

You can download "Audacity" from the internet and 1000s of videos that will explain it.  Just type Audacity program into Google.

This one sheet instruction sheet to help you get started.

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