Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Find-Take-Teach Moments

The new form "Helping Others to Love Family History" helps consultants have meaningful F-T-T sessions.  By obtaining the Helper Number and username before meeting with those who are new to descendency research, the consultant can quickly guide a patron to a Green Temple Icon where ordinance work is needed.  The pathway to discover the icon with no duplicates or data problems is recorded in the lesson plan under "What to do in Family Tree".  After the lesson the form can be left with the patron so they can see the relationship to the person that is ready for Temple work.  This form is now available on this blog under the training tab at the right.

Alayne Favreau and Susan Aston of the Hermosa Vista Stake recently shared a Find-Take-Teach moment.

A Big Thanks goes to all those who indexed during the Worldwide Indexing Event July 15-17.  Number of participants were 116, 475 which surpassed the original target of 72,000!

FamilySearch: Individuals of Unusual Size (IOUS) Can Now Be Merged

In the past, the Family Tree system had some limitations in merging duplicate records that had been merged many times. These were sometimes referred to as Individuals of Unusual Size or IOUS, because of the many pieces of data that had previously been merged. With the upgrade of the Family Tree system, the limitation is now gone so these large duplicate records can be merged. 
On the FamilySearch Family Tree mobile app, you can now add and edit “Other Information” such as an alternate name, military service, naturalization, and residence. This will let you provide more details and improve the quality of information for your ancestors.
  1. Tap Add Other Information
  2. Tap the type of information you want to add or edit.
  3. Tap Edit to add or edit the information.                                                                                                         Some of the other information you can add is listed below:

To view the complete What's New Blog Click here
Do you have a direct relative that served in World War II?  Do you know that you can obtain their military records and metals that they earned during the war.  Check out this site!

Grandma’s Pie: A Fun Visual App from BYU

Described as a “visualization tool that allows you to see where your ancestry is from at a glance,” Grandma’s Pie “organizes your FamilySearch tree data in pie chart format in order to give valuable insight about your ancestors’ origins.”
Grandma’s Pie shows the countries of up to seven generations. It is color coded and charts the percentages of the user’s known ancestry by country. For example, in my husband’s case, 59 percent are from England, 25 percent are from the United States, some are from the British Isles, a few are from France, and, yes, a few are from Estonia.
See the complete blog Click Here

Learn about Find-a-grave, the Closest Thing to Being There  Click Here

DPLA and FamilySearch Partner to Expand Access to Digitized Historic Books Online

In concert with the American Library Association national conference in Orlando, Florida, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world, have signed an agreement that will expand access to’s growing free digital historical book collection to DPLA’s broad audience of users including genealogists, researchers, family historians, students, and more.
Family history/genealogy continues to be a popular and growing hobby. And FamilySearch is a leader in the use of technology to digitally preserve the world’s historic records and books of genealogical relevance for easy search and access online. With this new partnership, DPLA will incorporate metadata from’s online digital book collection that will make more than 200,000 family history books discoverable through DPLA’s search portal later this year. From DPLA, users will be able to access the free, fully viewable digital books on  
See Complete Blog Here

New Added Features to FamilySearch Memories

There is now an easier way to upload photos into memories.  On the photo page you will now see upload buttons.  Check out what else is new: learn more

Family History Events to put on the calendar

Family Discovery Days:
     August 6----Tempe Stake, 1871 E. Del Rio, 9 am to 11:30 am
     September 17--Alta Mesa and Red Mountain Stakes, 5350 E. McLellan Road. 8 am to 12 noon
     check out the web page register here

Mesa FamilySearch Library's Family History Conference is coming on October 29th
     This free Conference will be held at the ASU Institute Building again.  Registration is required            and will start in September--more information will be coming.

Roots Tech to be held in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City on February 8-11.  Registration starts September 15th.

If you have an event that you would like to put on the Calendar, send an email to

The Mesa FamilySearch Training Center reopens on August 1st after being closed the month of July.
     Address:  464 E. 1st Ave, Mesa    
     Hours of Operation:  Monday 9am to 5pm
                                    Tuesday through Friday  10am to 6pm
     Consultant classes will resume in September
     A four week Genealogy Crash Course for small groups            (4-8) can be scheduled on Wednesdays 7 to 8:30 pm.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wilford Woodruff and the Signers of the Declaration of Independence



  "I will here say . . . before I left St. George, the spirits of the dead gathered around me, wanting to know why we did not redeem them. Said they, “You have had the use of the Endowment House for a number of years, and yet nothing has ever been done for us. We laid the foundation of the government you now enjoy, and we never apostatized from it, but we remained true to it and were faithful to God.”

“These were the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and they waited on me for two days and two nights. I thought it very singular, that notwithstanding so much work had been done, and yet nothing had been done for them. The thought never entered my heart, from the fact, I suppose, that heretofore our minds were reaching after our more immediate friends and relatives. I straightway went into the baptismal font and called upon brother McCallister to baptize me for the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and fifty other eminent men, making one hundred in all, including John Wesley, Columbus, and others; I then baptized him for every President of the United States, except three; and when their cause is just, somebody will do the work for them."   -Wilford Woodruff (Journal of Discourses, Vol.19, pp. 229-31; September 16, 1877)

                   WORLD WIDE INDEXING EVENT


       It only lasts for 72 hours---July 15 through July 17

           The Goal is to have 72,000 people indexing during this time

           Be part of the biggest worldwide indexing event ever!  Index one batch, and help                                  someone else do the same!
                                             Sign up to join the event:  click here

                 Mesa Family Search Library Closed in July

The Mesa Family Search Library is now closed through July and is scheduled to open the 1st of August.  If you have films waiting to be viewed, they will be extended so you will still have time to view them after the Library re-opens.


                      Social Media and Family History

    Have you ever thought that you might be doing family history work by commenting on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.   Check out this blog: Click Here

Check Out the Leader's Page

Do you need a little help as a Priesthood Leader?  click here

Things to Remember

    1.  If you haven't signed up to host a Roots Tech Discovery Day Click Here

    2.  Mark your calendars for October 29, 2016--Mesa FamilySearch Library will hold the next  
        conference at the Institute on the ASU campus. Click Here

    3.  Discover helpful resources for your calling in Family History Click Here

    4.  For questions or to subscribe or unsubscribe from this blog contact:  Edith Haws at  or Wallace Haws at

    5.  Check out the sidebar to this blog for other training materials and resources