Contact Information

Wallace Haws,
Edith Haws,

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Mesa FamilySearch Library's New Directors

464 East 1st Avenue, Mesa, Arizona   85204

Edith and Wallace Haws

To all our friends of the Mesa East and Mesa West Coordinating Councils we announce our release as the Area Temple and Family History Consultants.  We have so enjoyed working with each of you and are now off to another adventure.

Fortunately we are still working with Family History work and the salvation of the living and the dead.  Our new assignment finds us at the Mesa FamilySearch Library.  Come by and see us or attend some of the classes this month.  We still want to help.  There are many missionaries at the Library that can answer your questions if we are not there when you arrive.

Mon: 9 AM - 5 PM
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 10 AM - 8:30 PM

Fri: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Phone:  480-964-1200

Consultant/ Priesthood classes start this Tuesday  September 5th ( the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Tuesdays of this month), 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  Come to one or all of the classes.

Daily Classes this month can be seen here.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Tucson Temple Celebration and Dedication

 Promised Blessings of Family History

Modern apostles, including David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, Neil L. Andersen and Dale G. Renlund have promised many powerful blessings to those who participate in Family History and Temple Service

"As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I leave my blessing upon you with the promise that if you look beyond the bonds of time and mortality and help those who cannot help themselves, you will be blessed with more closeness and joy in your family and with the divine protections afforded those who are faithful in His service.

As you respond in faith to this invitation, your heart shall turn to the Father's. The
promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts. Your patriarchal blessing with its declaration of lineage will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding.
You'll find not only protection from the temptation and ills of this world, but you'll also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified, and power to turn the hearts of your family together and heal that which needs healing.

Your own knowledge and faith in the Savior will increase, and you will receive a more certain witness that life continues beyond the veil. I know that life continues beyond the veil. I know it.

I invoke a special blessing on you parents, you youth and you children that each of you will find joy and be blessed in every other aspect of your life as you fulfill the obligation that has been sent from Heaven. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary as you participate and love this holy work. You will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives."

Tucson Temple Cultural Celebration and Dedication

The Tucson Arizona Temple will be dedicated Sunday, August 13, at 9:00 a.m., noon, and 3:00 p.m.

The dedication will be broadcast to members of the Church in Arizona. The three-hour block of meetings will be cancelled for that Sunday for those congregations to enable members to participate and focus on this sacred event.

A cultural celebration featuring music and dance performances by local youth will be held Saturday, August 12.  Here is the link to the celebration:  Click here at 7 pm on August 12!

Reminder . . .

In an official press release dated June 26, 2017, announced that it would be discontinuing the shipment of microfilm to users as of September 1, 2017. The last day for ordering microfilm will be August 31, 2017.   In the last Blog this was discussed (Click Here). 


Legacy is offering a 50% off price until the 13th of August.  This is a great price for Legacy 9 to get the updates, and also fabulous price for a webinar membership to view them anytime you want and get all handouts.   To find out more Click Here

It’s Here! RootsMagic releases Ancestry Features

Last year, RootsMagic announced they were working with Ancestry® to integrate Ancestry Hints® and Ancestry’s records and online trees with their software. After months of development and the feedback of thousands of testers, RootsMagic is pleased to announce the release of RootsMagic 7.5, a free update to RootsMagic 7 that adds two amazing new features: TreeShare™ for Ancestry and the addition of Ancestry Hints to RootsMagic’s WebHints™ feature.  Learn More Here

Mesa Az FamilySearch Training Center
 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
464 East 1st Avenue, Mesa, Arizona   85204   480-964-1200

Training Center Hours :
Mon: 9 AM - 5 PM
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 10 AM - 8:30 PM

Fri: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Classes at the Center resume in September

Calendar Now!

Mesa FamilySearch Library Genealogy Conference 

WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2017 

WHERE: Tempe LDS Institute located on the ASU Campus 

Registration to begin during the week of 17 September 2017. 

Conference Keynote Speaker: 

Lisa McBride Lisa is accredited in Mid-South states genealogy, with an emphasis on Tennessee ancestors. Her experience includes military research in Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War records. Confederate records are her specialty. She has researched extensively at the Tennessee State Library and Archives and also has experience at the Library of Virginia. She is an employee of FamilySearch, working with family history center director services. She also serves on the FamilySearch Wiki Governance Council. 

Have You Tried Zoning?

Check it out click here

Don't forget to do some Indexing from your browser!  
If you haven't tried out the new browser based indexing program,go to and click on the indexing link.

Mesa Arizona Temple to close May 2018.  Click Here 

Have you done any training in The Family History Guide? 

What does President Toone suggest for returning Missionaries to do?

Look in the Media Library

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Technology Replaces the Use of Microfilm

Digital Records Access Replacing Microfilm

On September 1, 2017, FamilySearch will discontinue its microfilm distribution services. (The last day to order microfilm will be on August 31, 2017.) The change is the result of significant progress in FamilySearch’s microfilm digitization efforts and the obsolescence of microfilm technology. Check out the complete blog: Click Here
At you can also read about how to access the digital records.  Click Here

Finding Digital Images of Records on

This article will help lead you through your options when searching for digital records.


We had the privilege of interviewing Mindy in the East Stake who made an amazing discovery as she was using her account.  Read about and listen to our interview with her here.


Tucson Temple Events

Cultural Celebration

On Saturday, August 12, 2017, a youth cultural celebration will be held commemorating the heritage of the region through narration, song, and dance.


The Tucson Arizona Temple will be dedicated in three sessions at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 13, 2017. All sessions will be broadcast to members of the Church in Arizona. To enable the Saints to participate in the temple dedication and to place appropriate focus on this sacred event, the three-hour block meetings will be canceled that day for these members.

Mesa Temple Will Close For Renovation

The Mesa Arizona Temple will close in May 2018 and will reopen in 2020.  This will be the second renovation for this this Temple which was originally dedicated by Heber J. Grant in 1927 and then rededicated in 1975 by Spencer W. Kimball after the first renovation.

Summer Family History Activities

Oh!  What do you do in the summertime when all the kids are home?  Don't forget to add a few Family History Activities!  CLICK HERE

New on the Family Tree App

Relatives around Me 

This is a very fun and engaging activity now found on the Family Tree App.  Find out more about it HERE

Limited internet access on Sundays?   

Try Family Tree Lite at  LEARN MORE HERE 

Have you tried Importing pictures from Facebook or Instagram to FamilySearch Memories?

If this interests you, check out this BLOG

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Web Based Indexing

Adding a Photo to FamilySearch leads to a Discovery  by Edith Haws

My mother left me several pictures of relatives.  She passed away in 2004 and I am finally going through the pictures to make sure they are scanned, labeled and when appropriate, added to FamilySearch.  The other day I found a picture of a relative from Texas that was a cousin to my great grandmother.  I checked his record on FamilySearch and found there were no pictures of him there. This wasn't too surprising, since his branch of the family never joined the church and his descendants were few.  While in the record I noticed a record hint, which I added.  I also noticed two sons with exactly the same name that had died as infants.  I decided to check out the sons' sources and found two FindaGrave records. When I pulled up one of them I found he was not a son, but a daughter who had died the same day she was born.  The headstone clearly stated the parents names which matched and that she was an Infant Daughter.  The FindaGrave record had been labeled incorrectly and thus the indexed record was incorrect.  After contacting FindaGrave, the record was quickly corrected and I was able to create a record for the daughter in FamilySearch and reserve the sealing ordinance.  I think this young girl will be happy to be sealed to her parents.

We never know what can be found through checking out original images, but it pays off to read the complete record before automatically accepting an indexed record.

Is Your Family History Calling Listed Correctly?

With the name change in Family History Callings, it is a good idea to make sure your clerk has listed your calling correctly in MLS.  Here is a list of correct names:

Stake /Ward Temple and Family History Consultant-Lead
Stake/Ward Temple and Family History Consultant
Stake/Ward Temple and Family History Consultant-Indexing
Stake Temple and Family History Consultant-Family History Center
Index Worker  (Ward Level only)

Temple and Family History Consultants will soon have access to the "Family History Activity Report" online, but will need to have their calling listed correctly.

Have you Viewed the Gathers in the Kingdom Presentations?

"One of the great blessings of your calling is helping Church members become truly converted to family history. This conversion often happens when members have meaningful, one-on-one family history experiences with an inspired helper. 
It also happens when members hear important truths about family history and feel the confirming witness of the Holy Ghost."  Read more of this FamilySearch post Here

Mesa Family Search Library

Check out the classes for June:  Click Here

Hours of Service:
Monday  9 am - 5pm
Tuesday- Thursday  10 am- 8:30 pm
Friday- 10 am - 6 pm

Consultant/Priesthood Leader Classes
1st four Tuesdays of each month 7 -8:30 pm

Plan now:  ASU Family History Conference is coming in October---more information later.

Learn About the New Web Indexing

No need to wait any longer!  You can now index on the web using an Ipad/Phone or Android Device.
It is easy and fun to do.  Just sign-in to FamilySearch and look for the Indexing tab.

For those who like the old download program, it is still available for download.
For those of you who just love WH videos; here is a 1 minute video on web indexing including how you can create your own Indexing group.   WEB INDEXING VIDEO

The Kimball East stake created a very attractive certificate to encourage members to set a personal indexing goal.
You can download a full sized copy of this certificate here:  INDEXING CERTIFICATE

Media Sources to Support Consultants

"How To" videos can be accessed on Click Here

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Gospel Library can now access all needed manuals and updates to Family History

The Family History Leadership Guide

The new Family History Leadership Guide which supersedes the "To Turn the Hearts, a Leaders Guide to Temple and Family History Work", is now available in the Gospel Library app on your electronic devices.  It is important to become familiar with this guide and how to access the links to understanding your calling and tools and resources.

Mesa FamilySearch Training Center now has extended hours


LOCATION:            Hours:  Monday- 9 am - 5 pm
464 E. 1st Ave.        Tues, Wed, Thurs 10 am - 8:30 pm  
  Mesa, AZ                               Friday - 10 am - 6 pm

View class schedule:  click here

Training for All Temple and Family History Consultants Every Tuesday night classes begin at 7:00 p.m. for:
 Priesthood LeadersTemple and Family History Consultants

Patrons This is a 4 Tuesday commitment (start any Tuesday)
(no classes in July, Dec, or 5th Tuesdays)

Film can now be ordered to the Mesa FamilySearch Training Center Click Here for more information

Tucson Temple Open House

Tucson Temple video
The free public open house for the Tucson Arizona Temple will begin on Saturday, June 3, and continue through Saturday, June 24, 2017, except for the Sundays of June 4, 11 and 18. The cultural celebration will be held Saturday, August 12. The temple will be dedicated the following day on Sunday, August 13, in three sessions at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The dedication will be broadcast to members of the Church in Arizona. Open house tickets will be made available through an online reservation system beginning Monday, May 15, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. MDT.

FamilySearch App Gallery Check It Out - Here

Consultant Planner- Have you use it yet?

Go to Help/Help Others

Using these steps are vital to having a spiritual experience!

The name of consultants has changed.  The purpose of the name change is to emphasize that the purpose of all we do is to 'Gather' our families and deceased relatives into the Temple.

Please verify with your stake/ward clerk the correct title names for callings:
                                 Stake/ward Temple and Family History Consultant
                                 Stake/ward Temple and Family History Consultant-Lead 
                                 Stake Temple and Family History Consultant-Indexing
In addition on the Ward level a person may be called as an Indexing Worker

Follow this link to receive training:   

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Now is the Time of Gathering

At General Conference, Saturday, April 1, 2017 President Eyring reminded us that we are in the midst of a great gathering of the Family of God.

"The Savior gives no commandment, save he shall prepare a way for it to be accomplished. . .  We do not know what marvels God will inspire people to create in gathering His family, but whatever the marvelous inventions be that come, their use will require the spirit working in people like you and me.  . . He will send whatever inspiration is needed to give them the opportunity to return to Him. . . This work saves not just the dead, it saves all of us. . .  The work of gathering Heavenly Father's family is not just for young people, it is not just for grandparents, it is for everyone. We are all gatherers.  This is the work of our generation."  Henry B Eyring, General Conference, Saturday, April 1, 2017     Click here for complete talk

To Stake and Ward Temple and Family History Consultants

We are encouraged to emphasize One-on-One teaching.  We as the Area Temple and Family History Consultants are responsible to train the Stake Temple and Family History Consultants.  Please give us a call.  We look forward to meeting with you!  480-313-0169

Mesa FamilySearch Library    Closed at 5 pm through April 14th
Training Center                              for the Easter Pageant
464 E. 1st Ave.                     Call 480-964-1200                              Mesa, AZ                              for information
Mon: 9 AM - 5 PM
Tues: 10 AM - 8:30 PM
Wed, Thurs, Fri: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Please note: All the films that were in the Library will be returned to the Salt Lake Library on May 1. To get a film you will need to submit a request.
Click Here 

New Power Point Leadership and Member Training Online

Click Here

Tucson Temple Open House Announced
The free public open house begins Saturday, June 3, and continues through Saturday, June 24, 2017, except for Sundays. Starting May 15th the public can make reservations at

RootsTech Training is still available Click Here

Visit the Media Library for Inspiring Videos

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sink Your Taproots Deep--Feed the Living Tree

What is a Taproot?

The Merriam Webster gives this definition:
 "A primary root that grows vertically downward and gives off small lateral roots."
 Thus a taproot provides the nourishment to a growing plant.   Without it the plant will not survive!

"To anchor our children against the winds of the world, we mush help them to see themselves in God's great plan of Salvation."  (Rosemary M. Wixom, former primary General President, February Ensign 2017, page 41.

Nephi understood the Tree of Life represents the Love of God.  Your ancestors are the Roots.  The Tree above ground is you and the living member of your family.  The very essence of our life--who we are, our characteristics and our heritage is a direct result of the 'roots'.  The 'Fruit'  of the 'Tree' is the love that flows from your ancestors to fill your own heart and fortifies you and your family to face life's challenges.  The following article teaches you how to nourish the 'Roots', that the tree might grow and bear 'Fruit'.

Feed the Living Tree

Deep taproots are the key to building a tree that fortifies your family. provides the place you can build your Family Tree.  As you build it think of those stories, photos, audio clips and documents that bring ancestors to life, building faith through their life experiences that create a bond between descendant and ancestor. 

Here are some suggestions to "feeding your living tree':

  • Add missing names, dates and places
  • Add documents
  • Add stories
  • Add photos
  • Add audio clips
For those who need help with these tasks, do the following:
1.  Sign into
2.  Watch the "Getting Started" training lessons.  Follow this link: or click "Getting Started" under "Get Help" in the upper right hand corner.

3.  Learn how to add documents, photos and audio files to FamilySearch by typing into the google search box any question you need help with.  How to add documents to FamilySearch?  How to add photos to FamilySearch?  How to add audio files to FamilySearch?  There are links to videos, written instructions, etc., returned by Google.  Here is an example:

Helping Someone Without a Tree

The Media Library can help click here

1) Start with the My Family Booklet click here
2) Create a free sign-in account click here
3) Build the Tree by first adding living ancestors and then finding deceased ancestors click here
4)  Look for ancestors that need Temple Ordinances click here
5) Reserve the name
6)  Take the name to the Temple and Teach someone else how to do it.
For more information, check out The Family History Guide

Did you go to Rootstech?  If you missed it, here are some links to keep you informed as to what happened.

Classes and Opening Ceremonies:
Family Discovery Day Speakers:  Click here
LDS Track classes:
Priesthood Leadership Session (Calling Name Change introduced):  Click Here

New Consultant or Priesthood Leader over Family History

Next Training Class in May
Tuesdays in May, 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Mesa FamilySearch Library Training Center (464 E. 1st Ave., Mesa, Arizona)
(2017 - No classes in March, April, July and December or 5th Tuesdays)

Call 480-964-1200 for more detailed class schedule information

Mesa FamilySearch Library   Will be Closed During the 
Training Center                               Easter Pageant
464 E. 1st Ave.                     Call 480-964-1200                              Mesa, AZ                              for information
Mon: 9 AM - 5 PM
Tues: 10 AM - 8:30 PM
Wed, Thurs, Fri: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

New Reports for Stake Presidents

The report form for Stake Presidents has recently changed.  Here is an explanation of how to read the report.

You can follow this link to get a printable form of this explanation sheet:
                      Click here

New Consultant Portal/Planner

From the FamilySearch Arizona User Group:
". . . thanks to those of you who tried the Consultant Portal/Dashboard last year, and provided feedback . . .  That tool has now been released . . ."

"You will find the new tool now named "Consultant Planner" by logging into and clicking Get Help (upper right).  You will see a new Help Others link at the bottom of the list."

If you have the desire to get involved with the Arizona User Group, you are welcome to attend their meetings at the Mesa FamilySearch Training Center at 7:30 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month.  For more information you can contact Mike Ostler at 480-331-7172 or